Moon between Olympic rings makes for breathtaking London photographs (GALLERY)

A full moon made for a beautiful sixth Olympic ring on Friday night, when a Reuters photographer snapped a breathtaking picture of the moon positioned between a large set of Olympic rings hanging from the top of London's Tower Bridge.
The shots were an instant hit on Twitter, with fans retweeting them thousands of times within an hour of posting.
Photographer Luke MacGregor also snapped photos with the moon positioned between one of the rings and hovering above and below the famed London span.
The pictures provided an opportunity to crack a few jokes about the IOC and its stringent policies that prohibit illicit use of the rings. In this case, the moon should be expecting a cease and desist letter from the IOC for infringing upon its trademark. Neil Armstrong will also be named in the suit.
Click here to see more photos of the full moon over London.


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