My Personal Experience of the Rapture

My experience of the rapture.
My name is Adekunle Olumide Ralphie.
I’m a Christian.
I attend Believer’s Loveworld Incorporation a.k.a Christ Embassy.
I’m 33 years of age at the time I’m writing this article.
I started writing this record at approximately 2:00am when I just woke up from sleep. My record was from a dream that was so real to me and that is what prompted me to write this record. I heard from a radio program that an average aged human tends have up to 47 dreams while sleeping and can only remember one, which is about the last dream had, then forget the remaining dreams seen while in the same sleeping session so I decided to put this down so I won’t forget and it will be of benefit to someone out there.

The experience is like a dream embedded inside a dream, and it goes thus. It happened that I was at work in the dream, and everyone was doing their normal daily activities. Work was going on well. And as the normal human activities of the day, some people were doing good stuffs, they were polite, friendly, courteous, kind and Godly, while a lot others are just the natural I-Don’t-Care attitude which can be translated to evil… and as a result of this, I saw a cloud of black smoke hovering over the area occupied by the people that I saw. Then an activity which captured my attention happened. The boss (I think) annoyed a group of 4 girls which made the 4 girls decide in their minds that they’re going to kill the man. So the man decided to run away and the girls are in full pursuit. The man entered his car and drove off, the man’s car was a sophisticated auto-drive which gave a reduction in speed while the girls took a car which they drove manually so in a short time they caught up with the man and what happened next was unclear to me but the session of the girls pursuing and catching up with the man was like a move called “annihilation” (which I happened to have seen the movie a day before). So they caught up with the man and killed him and then the rapture happened.

The trumpet sounded and I saw people transforming instantly. The experience of watching people transform was heavenly. I saw the human body filled up with light such that the body was made to dissolve into the light that appeared from inside of the human. It was like a drop of light started from the chest part of the body, and within a matter of a second grew big and expanded to the whole body covering the whole body in light, and this made the body became a mass of light and then lighter than a feather. Within the same second, the body lifts off the ground and started off to heaven. When I looked up to the direction in heaven where the “glorified bodies” (as the Bible calls it) are gravitating towards, I saw a bright light as a sun, and then a group of images of world’s greatest pastors/ministers in a bigger and glorified body. They were merged in a group and made to stay there while the bodies flew up. I witnessed my body too caught up in the cloud (which made the dream less scary to me) but I was still seeing everything happening as if I was still on the earth. Then I witnessed a little portion of the assembly in heaven where the summoned souls are being presented to God. After this, I woke up in my dream but into another dream. This other dream, I was in church and the construction of the church looked like the workplace in my first dream and there was a very tense atmosphere. I looked up and around and saw the regional pastor of the church group attending to some members and other pastors so I moved towards there and that’s when I learnt that so many members of the church had a similar dream of the rapture the same night. Each and every one was trying to give a record of their dreams of the rapture experience but it was too much to take, so the pastor created a program where he wants each person to give a detailed account of the dream experience but still it was too much to take. So in the dream, the pastor instructed everyone that had the dream of the account of rapture to create a platform on the internet and compose the article as detailed as possible for the benefit of other people in the world. Then I woke up into life on the office chair in Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria where I had dozed off. And this is the reason why I developed this article as instructed.

I understand that there’s a lot of accounts of the rapture from different people from the internet, I’ve read so much accounts, and also this isn’t the first time I’ll be dreaming about the rapture. There are other dreams I’ve had about the rapture but I failed to take an account as I did this, and mostly because I always wake up scared. At such other times, I experienced the anguish and terror which sets in immediately the chosen ones were called up… and then I’d wake up in sweats scared. I’d contemplate on writing about it but after like an hour of activities after waking up, I would’ve forgotten completely all about the dream and that would be it.

I want to implore you if you had read this post and wonder if its true, I tell you it is true. Heaven is real and Hell is real. There are so many accounts and experiences on the internet to prove that. If you’re not a Christian yet, please consider praying the short prayer of salvation and be converted. The bible says all it takes for a man to be saved is just to believe in his heart that “Jesus is Lord” and confess with his mouth that “Jesus is Lord”. Simple eh? Yes, it is that simple! And this is what the devil uses to confuse people. I’ve seen some people made comments such as, “you mean with all the bad things I’ve done, all I need to do is just this simple thing? I don’t believe it, you’re just trying to make me go to church, I can’t be fooled”. The devil makes people think that it they’ll have to go through a lot more processes before they can become a Christian and afterwards they would begin a life of a servant where everything they do will be monitored. However, the reverse if the case!

Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a way of life, Christ’s life on earth. It is a call to freedom, righteousness and friendship with our creator. How beautiful it is when the creation is in close relationship with the creator. For instance, if I manufactured a car myself, from ground to finish, I’d know everything about the car, the functionality of every parts and how to easily identify and replace any faulty part. The car is more likely to spend a lifetime with me than a car I just bought from a deal which I didn’t even bother to read the manual, I’ll always depend on mechanics and auto repair specialists to help diagnose/understand the car and fix any problem arising. God is our creator, He wants us close to Him so He can make the best out of our lives. When we decide to stay off God and on our own, we’re putting our lives in the hands of those that knows nothing about our masterpiece manufacture. This is the origin of living a hard, difficult and short life on earth and an eternity of suffering in Hell. When a man suffers a short and hard life on earth, and proceeds to go and suffer a long and terrible fate in Hell, it is better the man wasn’t born.

We have the choice to be profitable as a human being, and a choice to just drift through a wasteful life. And the choice is just a short prayer which cost nothing, and a reorientation of the heart to connect to divinity and receive instructions to living a good fulfilled life. If you’re ready right naw to become a Christian, congratulations… let’s walk through it together by taking the 3 steps below.
  1. Believe in your heart that Jesus is the son of God which was sent to us to take away our sins and to reconnect us back to God.
  2. Confess with your mouth by reading aloud this short prayer to God. “Dear Lord, I believe that you are Christ, the Son of the living God. You were sent to this world to take away my sins and to reconnect me back to God through your death and resurrection. I accept this salvation and I embrace your love for me. I promise to let go of all selfishness and to consciously do things that are Godly. Thank you Father… I am a Christian… I am born again… I am a new man… Now I belong to God…, Amen.”
  3. Re-orientate your mind. Get a bible and read it daily. Join a church and attend services regularly. Do things that your heart approves of because the Holy Spirit lives inside of you naw and He’s the one guiding your heart which way it should go.


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