From the Voice of the Lord

Welcome to my site. This is not for those who don't believe; we are confronting those who believe. We are clarifying man's salvation and access to God for those of the faith who would put on more precious clothes. Only those who want to be clean can hear. People can't come in fear; they have to come in love. Great comfort be to those who read all these words.

Are you ready to see your sins ? The cross is offered to all. Are you ready to suffer the shame, the pain, and the blood of the cross - or do you cry out with indifference? He who is not on the cross is not worthy of me. Yes, it is your birthday - as many as are at their savior's feet.

There are six things I will put in order in front of your eyes:
1-how evil proceeds out of the heart,
2-and goes forth out of the mouth.
3-how your heart longs for evil.
4-how your feet are swift to run to evil.
5-how your heart builds a strong tower as a bulwark of defense.
6-how your heart is a mirror of the world.

As many as I love, I chastise . I am only reached by those with a penitent heart. I seek sincere men. I would have all men seek me.

This is the Word of the Lord to you all. You who hunger and thirst are God's chosen people. The early Quaker writings are a rich heritage, which all must strive to fully understand; they believed in the promises set before them. They who deny what I stand for are lost as to the future; let my writings guide your future. No Cross, No Crown — who spoke those bold resolute sentences? The Christians feared the early Quakers, just as the Jews feared Jesus. Who have become Quakers are an anathema; they blot my efforts; they cumber the ground; they are imitators of Christ's gospel. The men and women on this site have been separated; the Lord has separated them.

Jesus did not die so you can continue to sin. I would just as soon have avoided that horrible death. I did it to show you the extent of obedience required for your own salvation. You must have a devotion to the law that is on every man's heart; you must listen; and you must obey. He told us it was not enough to believe in God, we must believe what he says to be true. He told us it was not enough to seek God, we must seek with all our heart and soul.

Pursue righteousness and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. He who is righteous is done with sin. Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Make no provision for the flesh. A man without sin has the power and life given to him. I give favors to he who is pure. See myself — thus no sin has a place in me. The perfection of man frees from death; repent of your evil. Sin is until salvation, leaving holiness and purity. The end is sympathetic judgment and release from sin. The release from sin frees from death. The Spirit makes a man holy. Salvation comes to those who heed and obey. Salvation comes to those who wait. Having been saved from your sins, your present reward is holiness. The end of sympathetic judgment is holiness. Either make the tree good, or make the tree bad. A tree that is holy is a good one. Obey every little thing I tell you. The world exists for the saints. Let no man entice you with vain words. Fear God and give him the glory.

Awake to righteousness and sin not. I was sent to bare righteousness. All sin is unrighteousness. I never muffed it; you had a chance; there is still time. There is a righteousness imputed only after death. Awake to righteousness and sin not. We, through the Spirit, wait for the hope of righteousness. There is no righteousness apart from God. Wisdom is no surprise to the righteous. Only he who does the works of my Father can enter heaven. Righteousness need be created. The Spirit makes alive unto righteousness. Aim at and pursue righteousness, without which no one will see the Lord. He who does righteousness is through with sin. Because you gambled, you lost the honey. Serve the Lord in pureness and newness of life. Do not be confused; do not be misled; you must break a suspected action. Sin no more. Affliction and distress on every soul that does evil.

God is the humble servant of all; he teaches. Everyone needs a Lord, that to teach him. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Draw your arms around Him — take heed you incarnate. Heed my reproofs. You who have despised my reproofs will be ashamed; respect the order of the faith. If you ignore Him, He ignores you. Every man should retire to his own house until the foundations of the world are destroyed. Paul went to the desert for three and one half years, until springtime. Everyone must find out what to do first; then He will teach you. He can see which misapprehensions you are suffering from and address that. Everyone must submit to waiting on God, waiting in humility. We wait for the inward experience. I am He who promises the sure mercies of David. God gives grace to the humble. Professed weaknesses are the humility of the soul. Strive to be low; avoid mastery. Low, low, low. The sons of the fathers went to sleep. I am against your fathers, being in the presumption. The gospel is a mystery to the natural man; he cannot conceive it. The gospel is pretty radical; it is mind boggling— unity with Christ; this I offered free of charge to anyone.

Beware of false prophets . How can the ministers claim to be mine, when inside they are full of deceit and hypocrisy? They do everything for show. The gregarious make a living teaching the scriptures. Those who preach against perfection have a lack of earnest faith. I am against the shepherds, who have prophesied a false salvation. They gutted what Jesus had to say. They forget about me and teach errors. They teach the commandments of men; in vain do they worship me. There is no hope; there is no guidance, other than 'study the scriptures.' Woe be to them, for they have coupled an external form between the love of God to man. They cannot understand what the Spirit is doing. Their preaching only conveys the pride of Samaria. Outside the faith, they are teaching an equilibrium between good and evil. Those who follow the advice of these unpurified leaders, their life is like a bubble. I refuse to answer them. We deliberately ignore those of great repute. The leader of their army is Lucifer. These people are far from me, living in sin and teaching others the inevitability of sin until death. The licensor and Spirit of Grace cannot stand together. God brings the curse on those sleight of hand.

Your thoughts are not my thoughts . At best your thoughts are a vain hiss. If we walk not according to the Divine nature, we are blind. Those who follow their own brain will weep and mourn; there will be great pain. The mind is a terrible thing. There is a blessing to make the cessation of the mind permanent. You must go on waiting, watching, and listening; then our hearts will be quiet by grace. We must grow in silence. We labor with a cursed mind for the carnal mind is neither subject to the law of God, nor can it be. You will receive a new heart and mind. Grow up into the mind of Christ, from which all good thoughts proceed. To know is not to think. To make decisions is to live in your carnal mind. He gives faith to those who heed and obey him. Hear my wonderful words. I truly speak of love and how you are barbarous when taken under. Oh hear my words you mighty. You must lose your life to save it. Pursue sweet words of life. Listen to my voice so that you will hear all words. Never fear the loss of sleep.

What is necessary for salvation? -- obedience to commands heard. Listen to my voice, and I will be your shepherd. Hear the word of the Lord from within. Blessed are they who hear the word of God and obey. Be slow to speak, quick to listen. To hear and obey is hard. Getting quiet is preparation. Think on His name. Ears must hear. Faith within purifies. What's going to happen, you might hear. Believe you are hearing the Son of God. When you sit and wait, hope for purity, hope for change. I will show you the secret sins of your heart. The words I speak to you impart life; you only hear what has been imparted. In no way do I diminish those who spend time reading the web site. It is the Spirit who gives life, nothing else. My life comes in small increments. Hope releases the power of God to change you. We are saved by hope. We live by the restoration of hope. Hear you incarnate. Those who sit at the feet of Christ to hear his word - their ground is to wait. The godly wait for my instructions for many things shall I come want done. To serve without hearing is putting your life in danger. God, save us from the sayings of our mouth. A word spoken from the Spirit requires you to hear what the Spirit says to you. All and only words from Him are to be spoken; the purpose is to prevent anyone from going out without authority, which you can see creates problems. Regarding those who run ahead: they are abandoned with cruel, hard knocks. Those who take directed action will save theirs and others' lives. If told what to pray for, they can be extremely effective; to pray as heard — righteous expectation. Master following. Everyone hear what the Spirit says; this you do. You do as God has directed and only that; we do as He tells us. With freedom comes responsibility. The works of my father must be done by all, if you are to inherit eternal life. Watch and keep low. You may feel a severe, irritating pressure. Once you have expressed sorrow over the past, it is redundant to bring it up again. Forget the feelings of having past failed. Through guilt you can become entangled again. Forgetting what lies behind, we press onward. There is only one thing needful. Hear me, my children. My words are in a place within you. Abide in my word. He has come in every word, and in every word you are justified. Faith within justifies, not an outward faith. Your strength is to wait. Blessed are those who hear my words. Wait, watch, listen. Come to the life. Come to the source. Come to me, and I will speak to your souls. Wake, give rise to power. If we go to him and wait on him, he comes. We need to get quiet and ready to listen. In humble silence we sit and wait. Patiently we wait in humble silence. Patiently and assiduously we wait. We go to him, and he rains help on us; well does this exercise of God purify those who do.

My word is in your heart and mouth. When you have heard the dead words in the Bible and recall them, heed what is said; always obedient to His commands. If those who hear will obey, their progress will be swift. I shall open up the doors of life to him that proceeds. You are my disciple, if you do what I say. Listen to and obey my voice, and I will be your God. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. Light comes from faith in the voice. Those who do not hearken diligently to my command will not hear my voice. If you love me, you will obey me. He who does not love me does not obey my commands. Nobody became perfect by trying to be perfect. Everybody who believes the son shall be made perfect. The Lord's arm has been withheld; witness therefore man made perfect. What is the evidence of your belief? - operational faith. And to those who obey, he will appear like a magnificent star in your heart. Blessed is he who holds that the light is true. Heed the light, which is to assent to truth. The light shows us our image, however fanciful we have become. The Lord reproves those who are his. When the light shows you something to do, every act of disobedience has to be carried away by an act of obedience. Power comes to those who waited, heard, and obeyed. Those who listen in the light, I would have walk in my life. Heed the light that you may be children of the light. Walk in fellowship in the light. My true friends take no thought of confessional; don't take the time when you get a clear view.

The gift of God is himself - a measure of his Spirit; to each man a measure . The Spirit is given to each man according to the willingness of his heart. If the Spirit is given to you in sufficient measure, then your heart will see and feel; well do those exercise the power. If you pay attention and obey, it results in union with God. He joins with our cleansed nature. There is no condemnation for those in Christ. He wishes to make you like Him. We need to get clean before we can truly worship. There are very few people who, when they see what God is, would turn down union with him. The family of God dwells in their temples. Feel the power of an endless life; eat from the tree of life. Strengthen the inner man. Without our promises the soul is grieved; with them the soul settles down to a vigilant tribute to the Lord.

When you cast my warnings behind you, this erases the fear we must have.  Pay not attention, heed not, and I will come upon you as a thief in the night.  He was in them, but they obeyed not his voice. I have given counsel, but they have ignored it. He shall shut the door on those not holy. There will be no solace. Those who sin willfully have intent to purpose — and there are those who sin that are frightened to death at what they have done. And some of you cried over the persecutions of the Quakers; that tells a story.

Strive to enter through the narrow gate. Few will find it. Men have stopped trying. They have plunged themselves into iniquity. Fat men of increase would have a god fat of increase, so they can use God to become holy or to become fat.  Seek his face. Seek his face in ever increasing glory. He who seeks me earnestly and diligently will find me. Heed and obey. Life's sustaining action is available to those who heed. Six attestations prove the reign's existence. The King is where he is king. If all that profess me, would possess me. You must produce fruit, much fruit. True followers bring forth fruit. See that you dwell in him, and he dwells in you. He that views them from afar off — he that is quiet — that is his place.

Make yourselves slaves to righteousness, whose reward is holiness. You are the slave of whom you choose; obey, or not interested? You are the slaves of whom you obey. Every man must experience being a slave to God. For servitude, every man must experience heart-felt desire; he must become totally different. We are followers. Want to be different. Learn how I feel about things. Where you are different, want to be changed to be like me. Everyone must be vanilla — the same.

You shall suffer persecution, when you lead a godly life. In the time of the enemy, the Lord is still with you. Any of you whose sting to bear has been hard, use these facts: all have suffered before you; sin is excoriated; God will remove the burden in time; and the same is experienced by every cleanliness-desired heart in the nations. Therefore, for the several cases, we wish you well when you suffer. Take no offence; do not be offended at anything. In the time of the enemy, there are difficult things to endure; despise not the cross. Either pain in this life or the next. Stand fast in the faith.

There was an uproar when Jesus first appeared on the earth. They called me a heretic; they accused me of blasphemy; they hated me; they cursed me; they said, 'here comes the trier of our law.' Those who hate Him also hate His record. We will be abrasive. Marvel not if the world hates you.

Just like Judaism was taken over by the enemy, so has Christianity, which is corrupt through and through. There is no church in the world that Christ set up specifically. Like Daniel, you are captive of the Chaldeans. Your place of worship is filled with unclean birds. Babylon is great and mighty. Woe to those who try to bring good from evil. Oh Christendom, be not at ease in Babylon! In your worship service look around you; do you see the Holy Spirit? Proper worship is for two or three to speak as moved by the Spirit. Christians today are not Christians. You can engage in sinful behavior and not even know it. Often Christians don't even realize they are living in sin. They must isolate their vain-glorious spirits. By their evident display of sin, Christians cause my name to be blasphemed among the people. They have passed their usefulness. They taught themselves in will-worship. I am going to clean my house. I have had to deal with very wicked people who have cast the law behind their backs; in my anger I have left them no peace. A lightness of mind causes a man to discard the law. The leaders of Christianity are dogs — blind, dumb, ignorant dogs; professing to know everything, they know nothing. Despite his record, the world regards Augustine as the foremost expert on religion. The Catholic church is medieval; it is a beast. Those of the Aegean Sea, their counsels are thick and dark; their hearts are callous and cold. The Protestant sects have invented nothing new except instant salvation by grace; it is twisted, pernicious lies, a fatal flaw that turns aside the just. The entirety of Buddhism is full of lies and hypocrisy. The whole world has gone in the way of error: everyone dies in sin; the world remains in sin. Do you agree with any who in their arrogance have stated that God excuses evil in believers? It's not fair, but they don't care. Faith without works is dead. If all would possess me, removing chance. People cannot hear, who are taught by enemies. The Christian medium itself is conformable to death. Great is the destruction of those places of worship. Sacraments: conflagration — to continue to do what you are not supposed to do, and afterwards be overcome with grief as to what you have done. Those in Babylon will be given thirty days to repent. Come out of her, my love. Come out of her my people; you are defiled.

Little children, this is the seventh day of the kingdom. We are at the beginning of time. Your heart cannot reach those who wonder after the beast. O Christian, do not speak to the Jew unless instructed. The holy people of God should avoid contentions and protracted wrangling over the bitter truth; avoid public opposition. Avoid foolish controversies; fend off pointless questions. Everyone who desires rest from the bitter and the sour, you must use soap, my soap, the Holy Spirit.

From this one earth shall many earths come forth. There is a promise of more worlds to come. Let's go to a new land where children are a score. Follow me and I will lead you to a new land; you will explore a new land, a place where no one else has ever been. Jesus is a mighty name to be declared in all the worlds to come. Guard and protect his name. Nobody else has the answers, nobody but He. You will hear the truth at final judgment. Truly, I say to you, all the truth is magnificent; you will marvel when you see it.

Gather the prophets: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and all. You can find out what is pleasing to God. Proverbs: we must all believe the hidden comforts in those proven words. The Bible has been made hollow through the years and therefore blamed. Ratify James. And then they read again, and saw the law applied to them too. Ephesians 5:5-6: This the void of the earth, made perfectly clear. Little children, thy garments are spotted. Little children, take heed unto me. Unless you hear and see, there will be no progress. God helps not the proud; he assists the humble. He who has my words and keeps them, serves the Son. Walk in the steps of faith. Feel Christ, the Way. My true friends proceed from faith; it orders them. For half of Christianity the blood will be disastrous. The soul shall live that chooses me; the greatest reward for the finest of the few who will persist to the end. I will build you up so that you have no worries and no cares. Sit with me and I will make you clean. One does not become a son talking about it. Grace destroys sin. The changes that the Spirit makes are long lasting. In the Old Testament it was not a permanent relationship; they often lost it.

The sacrifice of life has been given to the few who would lose their life to save it. The sacrifice of life is a twist of fate. The sacrifice of life is given to those who can afford it. There is no life apart from God. The Spirit of Grace both charges and removes, just like Jesus said 'repent,' and also healed. The Lord can work around anything in a man. I stand with those freed from sin. Those who belong to Christ are through with sin. Talking about sin does no good. All talk is an abomination. Conversation is to be restricted so much that you are ostracized. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Speak only what you are told to speak. When spoken to, don't be rude; you can answer, but let your words be as few as possible. Avoid foolish conversations. Avoid foolish controversies. Pay attention to what you are saying; make it brief. Facebook is gossip; be angry at gossip. We offer a maturity. Blessed are those who are set free from the bonds of imprisonment. People have not heard of the grace of God, which separates from sin; so all that seek their hope through the gospel, the power of God takes hold of a man and makes him holy. Your soul is purified by obeying the truth; thus I come to rule in whose heart is thoroughly penitent, and you are redeemed from under the power of Satan. Those not purified in this life must suffer through the next.

Salvation is not expectation. Salvation is to be delivered from sin. Your past evidences are a failure. Witness salvation; your life isn't worth a plug nickel, unless you are shown salvation. Make every effort, for the days are few. Saved by grace; but what about the rest of that chapter? You have not experienced grace until you have been raised with Him. Changing grace is alive in those who are confident. Grace brings salvation to those who have been expecting it and ordering themselves aright. However well meaning you are, you must read and see if your life measures up. I must warn you — you must make every effort to add to your faith and enter the rest. You must see the sabbath to enjoy it — not only that, but you must feel it; feel it go through your heart as yours to keep. Let no man deceive you; he who has entered into the rest has ceased from his own works. The three witnesses: these three clearly must be manifest; eyes have to germinate.

There has never been a time like now; all men will twist in the earth. Long have we tolerated evil in the world; it is no longer tolerable. Listen everyone! There is a time coming when everyone will hear the voice of the Lord; heed and obey. I will warn people about the coming troubles, about which there is no comparison. In time of extreme difficulty, everyone turns to God. I have provided several warnings. Because I have heard my children's cries, I will fill the whole earth with water; there will be a series of problems stemming from that one event. My time is very, very short. The Lord will give recompense to his enemies. Revelation foretells the future. Men have forgotten that food is the gift of God to man. I am going to make the necessities of life scarce. The secure will take advantage of the insecure. Sudden rain gets the best of everything, and then an interruption in the oil supply. The ungodly will panic; the Lord will deliver those who are his. I will put a dividing line in the countries. Those who have no light, I will destroy. There will be many deaths; I will not refrain from death. I will betray those who are happy in their sins. I will fill the whole earth with the dead. I will give ample time before destruction of sin. If you are one of the elect, you need not fear; God is with you. I will let you know the venue by which you will escape. I want everyone to save something beforehand. There will be violence in the land. Everybody stops what they are doing, and waits on the Lord; I am sorry to say, but many will return to sin. I will unite the transgressors. Those slain for their testimony will be avenged when the persecutions have ceased; those slain are quickly compensated. Record corruption will cover the earth. All those who destroy will be imagined to be my authorities. Whoever does wickedly and unjustly will be punished. Those with vengeance the Lord will punish. Your wickedness lies in shame. Every man was his own king. Then there were those who lived openly in sin with no shame. To those of you who sit in complacency, doing nothing: the sword is for all of you that love the world and the deceivableness of lust; I will devour the earth. The children have lost the inheritance of God. Every single person suffers from lack of fidelity. They must pass through the earth wise.

I will devour those who do not follow, and snatch the righteous from the fire. Clearly there are some who will be greatly preferred. I am going to thin the earth; entire families will die; entire towns will perish. How often I have wished to gather my people up, but they will not turn from their evil ways. There will be a crisis; widespread destruction in all nations. A purge must take place; deaths are necessary. The power that gave them life, gives them death. I will make men more precious than rubies. I will make obedience the fruit of righteousness. I will put my law into every man's heart. The Lord shall establish righteousness throughout the earth. Only when God's hand has circled the earth, can he gag the lion. I will put my tongue on the face of the earth. When the people hear my name, they will tremble. It will be done. O seek the Lord you mighty, while you still have strength. Come to me, and I will guide the meek and lowly. Turn and be strengthened. Blessed are the meek; they have the right to speak.

So it behooves God to call upon him, all who have needs. Bring all who want to escape Egypt; those who like Egypt are thwarted from coming. I was looking for men who wanted to become something like me, but now they have stopped seeking a way. They have taken the Bible and made it an unholy thing used to justify their immersion in sin. It is our fear that has been rejected. For their survival, it is necessary to listen to the Spirit, but they are so busy praying, they cannot hear. I am concerned for the people have gone back into the Bible and thus minister to themselves. I work with the blind; but if you think you can see, and you are not with me in heaven, I will make you a laughingstock.

Everyone listen to what the Spirit says; this you follow. This is the journey out of Egypt; this is the journey to the kingdom, the gate crasher; and the barriers come down. All this comes to pass according to his purpose by self-denial and yielding to his will. Everyone must work hard along the way, taking care not to do your works so as to be seen by men. The Lord is the panacea. In Christ is the promise of health and happiness. Dear, a ratify of James will do wonders. Do not perish; not from this life, but from the life of God. By mercy and truth evil is purged out of the heart. All dies when the Word is touched.

As you can see, the state of mankind is not good. I can't help the people of the world for their back is toward me; they have put me on ignore. People of the world are taught vanity. There is no fear of God or common sense in the world. Every man walks without me; every man walks without hesitation. All men are profane. Pride is eminent. The world knows no restraint; their passions are their downfall. The wicked assert themselves. Life's curse: a dark house. Religion has rejected the status of men. People like their anger and rage. Wives speaking of their husbands for whom their lips ought to be sealed. Those who sought power found they could never get enough. Most people go through life never needing, never seeking a lasting solution; after death there is a sense of regret over their life. Everyone will be known by what they have said and done. People must stand the price for their very brazen behavior. Cities show how ignorance can be in a cluster. The cities reflect the spirit of the tower of Babel. The world resides in the shade. What is happening in the world is the result of the Lord being forgotten. The world cannot see, and they are literally stumbling. The USA is like a man running to jump into a snake pit; the formula is here, it is ripe for destruction, and we wait for the results.

All nations shall be gathered to Him. The sheep of His fold are in all nations. In all nations, from every corner, men will stand and make a joyful sound unto the Lord. We look forward to reintegration. I will grant a remover; he is justice; the lion's share. I will order a reprover of that certain lifestyle, living a certain way; they can't be reached. I will give him words to speak. He will cleanse the earth; he will be my agent and authority, my cleansing agent. His hands will not touch. I will convey death.

The woman was snatched away and hidden in the wilderness again. The woman in the wilderness is beautiful. Little children listen to the woman in the wilderness. This time when she appears, she will come in great power. Modern Pentecost is fast approaching, when the arm is bared. His arm has been cloaked since the apostles. It will be the mightiest church ever, with the greatest punishments too. It is God's judgment that apostles are to be sent into the world. There will be many sites in every language. The works of many shall be praised. Many shall govern. Oh seek the Lord you mighty, for the kingdom is sweet, and pure, and holy. The house of the righteous is glorious. The Lord is a pleasant inheritance. Without obedience you have nothing; sorry, there are not wildcards in the camp. What do you great princes mean; have you heard him? This is a call, a genuine call: Revelation 22:7. There are two things I hate: pride and an excuse for failure. He who does not seek the kingdom will be the poor. The hypocrite may talk of faith and do evil. Oh seek the kingdom you mighty.

Whatever God commands , whether it be dying on the cross, we obey; however financially strait, however it affects our reputation, however ruinous. You are without excuse O man. False prophets appeal to unstable souls. Holy is the kingdom, the surrounding radiance of it. My friends are in the kingdom, the covenanted. A time of great rejoicing: a time of being told what to do. They lost their life by me taking their life. There is a hate of life associated with praise at death. There is no burden of death among us. Most problems come from reading the Bible without correct understanding. The Bible is so hard to understand, their minister can tell them anything, and they will believe it. Do you know him or just pretend to know him; to know him is to have met him and listened to him. Don't think you are safe until you have been reproved and reproved. You cannot be beyond question; that cannot be answered. Make sure of your election.

There are those who profess to know truth, only having knowledge of the Bible. There are those who live in elegance and turn their backs on the poor. Now who would put away anger; who would put away filth; who among you stays the course? And what does he offer us? He offers himself. And what does he declare? I've warned them and given them the requirements and preached the exclusions; they should not expect anything else or conclusion. All having been said, I stand ready to rescue those being saved at the last minute. Prepare for the flight. Stand your ground. Beware of false rumors that would lead aside the elect. When you see the abomination of desolation, do not be afraid.

God reveals himself to his true servants. God reveals himself in fire. Remember, what is known of God is revealed in a man; a word not from the heart is too easily consumed, is not to be dwelled on, nor does it catch the appetite. Lay my words upon your hearts and minds. My words are spirit and they impart life. The words you keep rise up to purify you. The time will come and now is when the dead shall hear the Son of God and live. Except I dig a man out of his grave, he shall no wise see salvation.

Christ died so that all men of the earth shall arise. All flesh shall see the salvation of God. Every tongue will witness Jesus Christ as Lord. There are no failures in the next life, only people getting better. My prayer is: those who are lost will be found. I will cause the highest to the lowest to seek me. He will give root to those who seek him a third time. Every man and woman must stop being their own judge and leave it to me to judge them inwardly over time. All the help of the tested word cannot exceed that of judgment.

God lets man see his evil self. Set your sights on the heavens where you are to sit down with Him and to where all are called, according to the riches of his mercy. Fight the good fight, which leads to victory. Where can he be found? You don't have to go to the heavens or go to the deeps, for he is in your heart, patiently waiting to teach you. Remember the temple outside and the temple inside. Let's get on with building it, which ends with him showing it to you in you.

Women are widely discriminated against. In my Church there is but one, both male and female are one in Christ; Paul spoke of unruly women, newly initiated. You will see them minister in power and in my name. The hand is on the neck to guide them low and keep them low. I agree with you; low should be seen and not heard, neither is this offered to any individual who cannot control her tongue and self has not died.

To sit in humble silence, waiting on the Lord, is to bear the cross — instead of thinking how you might please others. The work of the cross is to sit in the light and look at your will. In this process of carrying your cross, your sin gradually disappears, within and without, to your satisfaction. The wants disappear as the fleshly man decreases. Little by little the Lord's will, will be progressed. There is only one way to get perfect, and it has been refused. When I tell them about the cross, they have no answer; they seem to have no desire. He who is not on the cross is repulsive to me. Those who have been crucified are through with sin as a motivator, and this must be felt from the inside.

We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, male and female. We must first be shown our sin within, which is enmity to God. You must stand apart from this fast paced world; you can't be in it. The release from captivity of sin was first mentioned in Isaiah. The natural man listens, he hears people talk, and he forms his opinions. The god of this world leads people to have their own opinions too; he blinds their eye as to what is good and what is evil; he examines their past to see how he may thwart their understanding; the difference between good and evil blurs. It pays people to resolve the massive difference between good and evil.

The world will be regenerated as it was in the beginning, world without end. God's Spirit powers the earth. There will be a mist released, which shall cover the whole earth. The Shulamites are favored by God, made perfect, made holy, and made lastingly holy. If any man desires to come after me, let him deny himself and follow. Righteousness will spring forth. God treads down and throws away all that is unholy; there is a dying. Christ does not come into the world, but comes into his own and gathers his seed; there, is an eating of bread and a taking off the chains. Everyone will see whom they have pierced. Be he who is called within. The men and women on this site have had their hearts opened. What must you do to inherit eternal life? — what everyone must do: keep the commandments, pick up your cross, and follow me. Anything evil is not of God. Hate all evil. Do not swear. No smoking worldwide, worldwide. Never the status of lying to one another.

Everyone is expecting Jesus to be their excuse. They are a stubborn people; their hearts have waxed cold. They think to be saved by making a noise about being saved. They are a clueless, fruitless people. He that doesn't listen is damned already. Their damnation does not slumber, nor do they remain sober, nor do they remain open minded in this present world. They have missed the mark. They have ignored my commands to turn from sin. They would have no laws. God has not called us to uncleanness, but to holiness. The new law became unrighteousness. The covenant of the Lord is a breakage of the people. Until you can witness receiving faith from Christ, you are under the law. How could they be mine, if they journey in outward ways? Don't dress up in your best clothes to impress your friends, rather turn inward. Christians have lost the gift of life to govern themselves.

The world must learn it is necessary seek God. To live is to seek God with all your heart, soul, and strength. God is not found going to services or reading about him. His pervasive power awakes in us. No man is promoted or excused that repeats sin. The spirit works in a man to make him clean and holy — to put him at ease, at rest, clean, and supreme. Little children, share in my peace. The righteous will have peace, and the unbeliever will have great trouble. Aim for and pursue peace. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts for every thought and deed. Call on the Lord with a pure heart. There are no laws when you are under complete control of the spirit; you walk in love in obedience as prompted — you don't walk in restricted flesh. Christ is freedom.

Faith is a series of revelations. He gives faith to those who heed and obey him. Great will be the reward for those whose faith is strong. He who believes has the witness in himself; he who believes overcomes the world. Men must be renewed into the image of God. There will be true love. God's mercy and kindness endure forever. Whoever does worthily will sit on my throne. Prepare the way of the Lord. Let all that are named of the Lord depart from iniquity. Let all turn from man's belief to be saved. You must forsake all that is evil and follow that which is good, in a heart that is alone from ours, which is solved by straightening up so that you are not going to want anything that is wrong. Every man is addicted to something in the world; left alone, they hunt for more. The greatest desires are fleshly. People are so desperate for approval, they lie. The selfish human nature is being exposed and brought out once for all. Fear God and give glory to him.

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth, but a sword ; after a man has demonstrated his faith, do I give him peace. A man must learn control of his body. Mankind's failure—sexual immorality. Neither do we in any way encourage violence. He doesn't want militia. Run from a partisan. The just shall forgive. Follow peace with all men. Let no man criticize his brother. Be blind to the faults of others. Before we correct, we must be corrected. He who points the finger had better make sure his finger is clean. The Lord gives who has mercy a smooth way. Men who are not aware boast of their imperfections. Millions have received revelations over the centuries. Millions have confirmed the sweet, pure, holy water; and millions have confirmed the fruit. Millions are learning. You must learn to save your soul. Learn from me. The Spirit teaches by grace.

Those who are immoral have no inheritance in God's kingdom. The kingdom will be found by those who search for it and who are led by me. Those who imagined they were in the kingdom will be cast aside. Let us diligently labor to enter the kingdom. Dwell to be born. Be hearty, be confident, do no evil; be resolute, and of good cheer. The real test is giving from your excess. He who would know the will, shall know the will of God. The just shall walk with me. The whole world will see what it means for a man to sort himself. The end will be wonderful, until those who have the life of God will be seen. The day is fast approaching when the day of reckoning occurs. He cannot teach us unless we are fully aware of the stings. Do not be misled; come, listen, hear. Let no one defraud you. At his feet—only then will I pardon and forgive;—come, child-like. Every man that comes, must come through the cross;—I say every man. You are the child of whom you obey. Remember, every person who sins denies Him as Lord and Master. Those who refuse to look at their slavery say, Church me.

All is on the inside . Serve the inner son. My words are the same; they have not changed. Do not be among those who settle for gold. I must teach every man in his own way the workings of grace. Like the Apostles, you too must be cleansed. Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Renew yourself in the pattern of the Lord; those who do so, their strength will not fail them. There is no life without the love of God. In the Lord alone is love, righteousness, peace, joy, and virtue. Forget all your worldly cares; put your trust in me. Blessed is he who follows in the footsteps of Christ. Put on the new life. The new life is as radically different as a man who has lived underground his whole life, suddenly coming above ground to see the sun, the sky, the plants, the animals, the wind, the stars. Put on the new creature. If anyone is standing with a new heart, he is a new creature. Behold, the substance of my inheritance is to turn the sword into ploughshares. Therefore let us arm ourselves with this good and precious knowledge. Obey my voice, and I will help you become holy like myself. The Lord is good to his servants. Man's eye has not seen nor has his ear heard the things God has prepared for those who love him. Follow me! Follow me as fast as you can; you start by sitting. Glad will be the hearts of those who persist until the end. How sweet the victory will be. All things said and done, you must hear; ears must hear!"

Thus said the Lord God.

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